Saturday, March 2, 2013

Economy etc

The Real Estate market turned a corner last summer. It's now headed towards a seller market. Then things cooled off between November till about the first of January.
Now we are seeing houses sell rather quickly even some multiple offers. We're in the early stages.
The market is poised for takeoff if the Federal Government does not mess it up.

We are seeing a massive shift of wealth away from the elderly  due to extremely low interest rates. The government likes the low rates because it saves Billions in interest on the debt. Normally the interest rates would start to go us when the economy would start to "heat up". This however would add substantially to Government costs. There appears to be an agressive plan to radically raise taxes in order to "keep the lid" on any economic expansion and thus justify lower interest rates for a longer period than would be normal after a recovery. It's kind of like steering with individual brakes rather than the steering wheel on a farm tractor, or flying with an engine missing on the one wing and adjusting the flaps can't do any for an exptended period. The longer the reconing day is put off, the more painful it will be.

February 28, 2013

Custom built jeep headed for Saudia Arabia.

Buring last years dead grass.

Note the double barrel exhaust made from shell casings on the toy combine!

About Me

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We live on a small farmette in Greencastle, Pa. Dean also sells Real Estate and works primarily in Washington,Franklin and Berkeley Counties. He is also licensed in Virginia mainly for farms and buyers of rural residential properties. is the Real Estate Web site. Long and Foster is located at 1100 Dual Highway Suite B, Hagerstown, Md 21740. Phone 301-797-2300 ext 8360.