Beautiful Fall day....some of the trees already started losing their leaves but the neighbors 3 orangish trees were gorgeous!!! Add in the blue sky and I'll take a couple months of this.

Almost lost in the picture are our own 3 little red trees!

Neighbors combining soybeans whit a very wide grain head (actually knocked off our mailbox :-(

Freshly poured concrete beside our existing feeding area.

Doug's parts jeep headed to Marion Auction.

...what's left of it anyway...he got $400 and was pretty tickled. Just to clarify, he still has his original jeep Grand Cherokee, this one he just bought to strip parts off of (tires, axel etc.

It was only a one - 2 inch snow, but Dallas was determined to shovel snow...anyway

hurry before it melts...this was after noon...roads were really slick in the AM for no more snow than we had in the morning.

Poor Rose was just finishing up fall house cleaning when she step back off the step ladder into a bucket of water and fell...hard....hit her head, back and foot. On the way down she grabbed at the blind and tore this hunk out. Unfortunately Lowes no longer stocks these blinds and neither can you order them.. We're thankful she wasn't hurt worse. Just basically stiff and sore.